About Swiss economy

The prosperity and stability of the Swiss economy guarantee with low long - term capital costs, purchase power stability attained through low inflation, an excellent investment climate, complete public finances and no labor strikes.

Due to international outreach and strong connection with the economies of other countries adds great strength to the Swiss economy. As a percentage of gross domestic product, the country is said to have high export rates. The advanced technology, the industrial sector is totally characterized by highly confined and flexible small and medium sized organizations. Swiss is considered as an important player in the World economy and the key data explains the affluent nature of the country

World Economic Forum Competitiveness report

An independent international organization, the World Economic Forum which is also called as WEF is committed to enhancing the state of the world by enticing leaders in partnership with mold regional, global and industry programs.

Swiss rank 1st for the 8th consecutive year, according to the latest Global competitiveness report. This also includes country’s overall business network and quality, innovation, labor market efficiency and higher education. These strong economic essentials are an essence to Switzerland’s resilience throughout the adversity. Yet current developments have made a number of downside risks and left a few policy gaps. Uncertainty about future immigration policy along with the referendum against “mass immigration” can chip away Swiss’s capacity to get into the global pool needed to boost its economy. Swiss must pursue to enhance its competitive edge to analyze the cost included doing business in the country.